Spanning across Central Asia and East Asia, Mongolia is known as untouched country with beautiful landscapes and one of the world’s most fascinated places for travellers. If Mongolia is already on your travel list, here are some interesting facts about Mongolia to check out before you arrive in Land of the Blue Sky.
Finding the right city to invest in is the key. Do not restrict yourself to the area in which you live in.
International property investments are being considered as an additional investment product for many investors around the world.
Psst..... have you been to our brand new lobby at the Olympic Residence? The project team at Mongolian Properties is happy to present the interior design of the Residential Lobby at the Olympic Residence. The most important aspect we kept in mind while going through the preliminary design of the lobby, was to keep it bright as possible.
It is exciting to own your first house, but the buying process can be scarily unfamiliar. Compared with renting, owning a house gives you much more control over the property and can be a good investment strategy. However, “with great power comes great responsibility.”
If you are having trouble reselling a property, a little bit of home staging goes a long way and always seems to turn it around. We are here to help you home stage your property in a way that will give it the "WOW" factor and attract home buyers instantly. Here at Mongolian Properties, we specialise in home staging, to help create some of the best interior designed units in the city.
Air pollution is a serious issue that can have negative effects on your health. Studies have shown that consistent exposure to low air quality can lead to issues such as headaches, asthma, and lung disease. In addition, according to the World Health Organization, it is estimated that each year approximately 3.8 million people die prematurely from complications relating to exposure to household air pollution.[i]
Although we’re a property investment company spanning multiple industries, we wanted to provide value to our investors and to the global community by giving some of our insights for visiting this year’s FIFA tournament, with its ongoing matches that have already surprised the world.
Mongolian Properties is the oldest, largest, and most reputable Mongolian real estate agent. We are a real estate intermedeiary and advisory firm offering agency, representation, property, management, property valuations, interior design, furnishing and financial intermediation services.