Executive Summary
Mongolia is holding steady with another quarter of powerful growth and a strong future outlook. We watch in anticipation for developments to come.As Chinese investments surge into the landlocked country of Mongolia, economic growth enables local companies to enter the stock market, creating lucrative investment opportunities for everyone.
At first glance, the coal rich lands of Mongolia might not seem to be a natural home to a renewables revolution. Yet, despite the country's economic reliance on its vast coal fields, or perhaps because of it, the Government of Mongolia is aggressively pursuing clean energy sources.
While billion dollar investments into Mongolia steal the spotlight, the country has also been actively pursuing grassroots economic development through microfinance initiatives. As far back as 2005, the country declared a "National Year of Microfinance", which coincided with the United Nation's "Microcredit Year". The country’s transition from a centrally-planned economy to a democratic, free market economic model has brought prosperity, albeit unevenly distributed. Mongolia's commitment to microfinance initiatives demonstrates a recognition of this issue and their recent success bodes well for inclusive economic development.
Well-educated citizens today are the key foundation for any country’s well-being and whole development. Mongolia has a relatively higher literacy rate around 97% than other developing countries in the region.
Landlocked in Central Asia, Mongolia sits at a geopolitical crossroads. With Russia to north and China to the south, it must find a way to take advantage of its resource wealth and strategic location without sacrificing economic independence to its bigger neighbours.
Mongolian Properties is the oldest, largest, and most reputable Mongolian real estate agent. We are a real estate intermedeiary and advisory firm offering agency, representation, property, management, property valuations, interior design, furnishing and financial intermediation services.